How Much Will a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Charge?

When employees are injured during the course of their work related duties, they have the right to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation benefits cover the cost of medical care and can provide wage replacement when an employee misses work because of the injury or illness. While many employees will file their initial claim alone, there are many cases where the assistance of an experienced attorney is highly valuable, and can greatly increase the likelihood of a successful claim. In those cases, you might be wondering how much your workers’ compensation attorney would charge you, and whether you can afford to pay for his or her services.

Contingency Fees

In workers’ compensation cases, attorneys typically charge what is called a “contingency fee.” Contingency fees are a percentage based fee that comes out of the sum of money the client receives if they are successful in their claim. If the client, with the help of the attorney, is still unsuccessful, then the attorney will not be paid for the services rendered. If the claim is successful, and the client gets a settlement, then the attorney will get a percentage of that settlement as their fee.

Fee Caps

In workers’ compensation claims, the state will often have a maximum fee that an attorney may charge. Thus, attorneys are limited to a percentage, and cannot charge the claimant above that amount. Some states have one percentage that caps the attorney fees, while other states have differing percentages depending on the size of the settlement received.

In addition to attorney fees, cases often require upfront payments for fees related to challenging the claim denial. Some attorneys will come up with arrangements where the firm will front the costs of the fees, and be paid back by the settlement.

While hiring an attorney will cost a fee, an experienced attorney can increase the chance that your claim will be successful. Additionally, an attorney might be able to argue for more compensation. Since most claims result in a settlement, your attorney can also let you know what your claim is worth, and can negotiate the settlement for you. Thus, while a simple claim might not require an attorney’s help, when a claimant is faced with something more complicated or the need to appeal, the assistance of an experienced attorney can be highly valuable.

If you are considering hiring an attorney to handle your workers’ compensation claim, you should take advantage of a free case review where you can find out how your specific case would be handled and what to expect in attorney fees and other fees related to your claim.

Contact Stern Law, PLLC for A Free Consultation

At Stern Law, PLLC, we have compassionate and caring attorneys ready to work with you in order to find the best strategy for seeking compensation for your job related injuries. Contact Stern Law, PLLC today at (844) 808-7529 for a free consolation with an experienced attorney.

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